Language of contribution: English (preferred), French or Romanian.
Language of abstracts: mandatory: English (optional - in addition to the English version: French, Italian, Spanish, German or Romanian).
Type of contribution:
original research article (aprox. 40 000 characters, including mandatory abstract, list of references and notes);
review essay (aprox. 25 000 characters, including potential abstract, list of references and notes);
book review (max.10 000 characters, no abstract needed; additional references may be included).
More original research articles around the same topic but by different authors may be also submitted as a Forum (4-6 articles) or a Dialogue (2-3 articles).
The manuscript should be submitted to in a single message containing two files (both saved as *.doc / *.docx / *.rtf) in A4 page format:
(1) a COVER LETTER including the full name, institutional affiliation and contact information of the author(s), a short biographical paragraph of the author(s) of no more than 150 words, and, if the author(s) wish, a brief note acknowledging the names of the colleagues that offered suggestions and comments on the contribution (Times New Roman 9, single spaced, in English); if the author(s) has/have an ORCID number, please include it for each author.
(2) the TEXT OF THE CONTRIBUTION (Times New Roman, 11, single spaced), without the name of the author(s) or their institutional affiliation, in one of the languages of publication; for research articles, it should be preceded by an abstract of up to 200 words (in English, Times New Roman, 9, single spaced) and a list of 5-7 keywords (in English, Times New Roman, 9, single spaced).
the title of the article should be centered, bold, all capitals (Times New Roman, 11);
pages should not be numbered;
from the 2014 onwards, all references shall be parenthetical, using the Chicago/Turabian style for AUTHOR-DATE citation (several examples of the most frequent cases are provided in the next section);
potential explicative notes should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text and typed at the bottom of the page (Times New Roman, 9, single spaced); please keep such notes at minimum
all bibliographical entries will be included in the List of references at the end of the article.
Manuscripts will comply with the Chicago/Turabian style in matters of punctuation, capitalization and the like.
Manuscripts will be accepted on the understanding that their content is original and that they have not been previously published in a different form or language. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is concurrently under consideration by another journal or press, or is soon to be published elsewhere.
Manuscripts submitted for review are evaluated anonymously by two scholars. However, the Editors are responsible for the final decision on publication of manuscripts. The Editors may suggest changes in the manuscript in the interest of clarity and economy of expression. Such changes are not to be made without consultation with the author(s). The authors should ensure that the manuscript is submitted in final form.
References should conform to the Chicago/Turabian AUTHOR-DATE system. Below we illustrate several of the most frequent cases, indicating with acronyms different situation, as follows:
PR - in-text citation format for referencing the main argument of the indicated source;
PR* - in-text citation format for referencing an argument within the source that can be found at specific pages (preferred whenever possible over PR and mandatory when a quotation is also provided);
LR - the full reference in the List of references at the end of the text.
References to books should list the author(s), title, place of publication, publisher, year, page(s).
PR (Lijphart 1977)
PR* (Lijphart 1977, 56)
LR LIJPHART, Arend. 1977. Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration. New Haven: Yale University Press.
PR (Almond & Verba 1965)
PR* (Almond & Verba 1965, 110-112)
LR ALMOND, Gabriel & Sydney VERBA. 1965. The Civic Culture. Boston, MA: The Little Brown & Co.
PR (Burchill et al. 2008)
PR* (Burchil et al. 2008, 29-30)
LR BURCHILL, Scott, Richard DEVETAK, Andrew LINKLATER, Matthew PATTERSON, Christian REUS-SMIT, Jaqui TRUE. 2008. Theories of International Relations, 2nd ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave.
Chapters in (edited) volumes
References to works in edited volumes should list author(s), year, title, volume title, volume editor(s), place of publication, publisher, and page(s).
PR (Meulders-Klein 2009)
PR* (Meulders-Klein 2009, 283-284)
LR MEULDERS-KLEIN, Marie-Thérèse. 2009. Vers une européanisation du droit de la famille? Une approche politique. In Mariage-conjugalité. Parentalité, ed . Hugues Fulchiron, 279-292. Paris: Dalloz.
Journal articles
References to journal articles should list author(s), year, title of article, journal name, volume, issue, and page(s).
PR (Sartori 1970)
PR* (Sartori 1970, 1033-1036)
LR SARTORI, Giovanni. 1970. Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics. The American Political Science Review 64 (4): 1033-1053.
Unknown author
When the author is unknown, the parenthetical reference (PR) will include the title instead of author(s) name(s) followed by year, while in the List of references the bibliographical entry starts directly with the title followed by year.
Unknown year
When the year is unknown, both in the parenthetical reference and in the bibliographical entry within the List of references the year section is replaced with the acronym "s.a." (instead of "n.d.", usual in the Chicago/Turabian style)
The indicator "and" used to link the names of several authors in the in-text reference and in the List of references is always replaced with "&" which is never preceded by a comma.
If the manuscript contains tables, figures (including charts and maps) and/or illustrations please follow these guidelines:
include a title and a number for each of them above each item (e.g. Fig.1 Evolution of the party system; Table 4. Sources of funding by donor and country);
use the same font and dimension as for the text body (i.e. Times New Roman, 11 pt) but marked Bold.
indicate the source of the table / figure / illustration immediately after each item
if the item is created by the author(s) of the article, please indicated this clearly (e.g. "Source: compiled by the author" / "Source: compiled by the author from Smith (2001) and Johnson (2019)" / "Source: compiled by the author based on Eurostat data (1995-2020)");
if you are not the author of the respective item and it has copyright restrictions, please make sure you to obtain the correct copyright to reproduce it in an open access scientific journal;
use the same font and dimension as for the footnotes (i.e. Times New Roman, 9 pt).
please be reminded that
the print version is exclusively BLACK & WHITE, and we prefer this option for the online version too because it is friendlier with the colourblind readership
therefore, we kindly ask you that the tables / figures / illustration that you include in the text are optimized to be visible in black and white (this could be optimized after the manuscript is accepted);
please do not use shades of grey as they may not be distinguished by people with low-contrast visibility; instead, you can use different patterns (e.g. dots, squares, lines etc.) .
for the online version we can include also coloured versions but please kindly optimize the colour scheme to answer the needs of the colourblind readership (for colourblind visualisation tips check this guide) and send such items as separate files (PNG / EPS / PDF) at high resolution.
if tables are longer than one page, we suggest you include them in the appendices, at the end of the text, or, if possible, split them in smaller sections, to improve their readability.