All submitted texts are initially scrutinized by the editors and the coordinator(s) of the thematic issue, who decide if they match the scholarship level and research focus of the journal (desk review).

Before sending a manuscript to review, the text is checked for plagiarism through an anti-plagiarism software (TurnitIn).

Each article is then peer-reviewed (double-blind) by at least two reviewers who are independent external experts.

We expect our reviewers to comply with the minimal standards outlined in the COPE Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers.

Peer reviewers may suggest changes of the manuscript that the editors send to the author.

The author should review the article in order to comply with the changes suggested by the editors based on the reviewers's feedback.

The authors should ensure that the manuscript is submitted in final form.

The editors are responsible for the final decision on publication of manuscripts.


Manuscripts will be accepted on the understanding that their content is original and that they have not been previously published in a different form or language.

No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is concurrently under consideration by another journal or press or if it is under a copyright licence.

When the article is accepted for publication, the author(s) will receive from the editors an individual contract (Publication acceptance form) through which copyrigh and authorship responsibilities are confirmed in accordance with the ethical principles of the journal and our journal's copyright policy.

The copyright policy of the journal privileges the largest possible distribution within the international academic community of the articles (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License).

The copyright is transferred to the Journal for both the print and electronic versions.

Authors retain many rights and in the following cases do not need to obtain specific permission, although they should provide the usual acknowledgements regarding copyright and reference to first publication. You have the right to:

  • re-use figures, illustrations and tables from the contribution in other work prepared by yourself;

  • make copies (without charge) of the contribution for personal use, including classroom teaching use (but not for inclusion in course pack material for onward sale by libraries and institutions);

  • make and distribute copies of the contribution to colleagues, for the personal, non-commercial use by such colleagues;

  • present the contribution at a meeting or conference and to distribute copies to the delegates attending the meeting;

  • patent and trademark rights and rights to any process or procedure described in the contribution;

  • use the contribution or any part thereof in a printed compilation of works of the author, such as collected writings or lecture notes (subsequent to publication of the contribution in the journal);

  • prepare other derivative works, to extend the contribution into book-length form, or to otherwise re-use

  • portions or excerpts in other works authored by you (subsequent to publication in the journal).


Tous les articles reçus à la rédaction seront premièrement évalués par les responsables des dossiers thématiques et le comité de rédaction sous l’angle de la qualité, de l’originalité et de l’adéquation au profil et à la thématique de la revue.

Les articles seront ensuite envoyés de façon anonyme à deux évaluateurs externes indépendents (double-blind refereeing system).

Les standards minimaux d’évaluations agréés par le journal et que les évaluateurs sont également invités à observer sont précisés dans COPE Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers.

Les évaluateurs peuvent suggérer des modifications qui seront communiquées aux auteurs.

Les auteurs doivent réviser leur article afin de répondre aux suggestions fes évaluateurs.

Ils doivent ensuite soumettre l’article, dans sa forme finale, à la rédaction.

La décision finale de publication d’un article appartient au comité de rédaction.


Par la soumission d'un manuscrit, l'auteur certifie que le matériel n'est pas sous l'incidence d'une licence de copyright et qu'il n'est pas en cours d'évaluation ou de parution dans d'autres revues ou publications de spécialité.

Au moment où le manuscrit est accepté pour la publication, l'auteur va recevoir un Formulaire d'acceptation de publication.

La politique éditoriale de la revue en ce qui concerne le copyright privilégie la distribution aussi large que posible des articles dans la communauté académique internationale (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License).

Les droits sont transferés au journal pour la version imprimé aussi que pour la version en ligne.


Toate articolele primite la redacţie vor fi mai întâi evaluate de coordonatorii de număr și de comitetul de redacţie din perspectiva calității contribuțiilor, a originalităţii lor şi a adecvării cu profilul şi tematica revistei.

Înainte de a trimite mansucrisul spre evaluare, textul este verificat cu un soft anti-plagiat (TurnitIn).

Articolele sunt apoi trimise anonim la doi evaluatori externi independenți (double-blind refereeing system).

Standardele minimale de evaluare pe care le apreciem și le așteptăm de la referenți sunt cele detaliate în COPE Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers.

Evaluatorii pot sugera modificări ale articolului care vor fi transmise autorului.

Autorul trebuie să revizuiască articolul pentru a efectua schimbările cerute de editori în urma sugestiilor evaluatorilor, după care va retrimite pe adresa redacţiei ultima versiune a manuscrisului.

Comitetul de redacţie ia decizia finală privind publicarea manuscriselor primite.


Prin trimiterea unui manuscris către redacție autorul certifică faptul că materialul respectiv nu se află sub incidența vreunei licențe de copyright și nu este trimis spre publicare în altă revistă sau publicație de specialitate.

În momentul în care un autor primește un răspuns pozitiv privind publicarea manuscrisului trimis, acesta trebuie să semneze un Formular de publicare pe care îl va primi din partea redacție.

Ca regulă generală, politica editorială a revistei în ceea ce privește drepturile de copyright privilegiază distribuirea cât mai largă, în comunitatea academică internațională, a articolelor publicate (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License).

Drepturile de autor sunt transferate Revistei atât pentru versiunea electronică, cât și pentru cea imprimată.